Detective and Mystery – Retro Radio: Casey Crime Photographer – After The Turkey, The Bill


Casey Crime Photographer – After The Turkey, The Bill. ep213

November 23, 2020. Duration: 29 min 32s

We listen in to a drama of a gal being accused by her boyfriend of cheating on him while he spent time behind bars. Does he have anything to worry about? Cut to the action in the Blue Note and Casey talking with Ethylbert and Ann. Their Thanksgiving evening is interupted with the report of a murder. Might it be the jealous boyfriend? Casey heads out to investigate.

The evidence isn’t looking good for the boyfriend, but Casey isn’t leaving any stones unturned. Is someone trying to set up the young lover? Casey smells a rat in the whole situation. Listen in to get the full set of clues as Casey talks the case over with the cops. Did you catch the twist?

Listen in as Casey tells how the clues worked to tip him off as he shares with his friends in the Blue Note. And will he and Ann ever get their Thanksgiving dinner?

Retro Radio Podcast

Detective and Mystery – Retro Radio: Casey Crime Photographer – Tough Guy

Casey Crime Photographer – Tough Guy. ep227, 480304

March 10, 2020. Duration: 28 min 54s.

A cabbie feels like he’s being pushed around by a thug, so he takes his story to the cops where Casey happens to be hanging out. Is the passenger a crook? Why would he be putting himself in a high profile, instead of laying low? Word comes in about the murder of a theater manager, and Casey joins the investigation. A suspect is quickly identified, and it’s the tough guy in the cab, who conveniently has set up his alibi. Do the cops have the right man or not? At the Blue Note, Casey reviews details of the case with Ethylbert and Ann. There’s something missing in the details so it’s back to the cops to figure out what doesn’t add up.

The tough guy in the cab, Morris, is clearly setting up an alibi for the real killer. Fortunately, Casey has a plan, a corny one to be sure, but it just might work. He lays out a plan to make the players think their partner is betraying the other. Will Morris crack first, or his gal Betty? In the Blue Note, Casey shares how love and jealousy can work for the cause of justice.